Are you a minister or chaplain, an activist or congregational pastor? Whatever your role in ministry, you are now living and working in an unprecedented worldwide season of the coronavirus pandemic. And we want to support you as youΒ bring pastoral leadership and care to your situation. Thus, we are offering resources and links that we trust will be helpful. We will continue to update this page.
Basic Covid Information
Covid Explained – many questions answered by scientists
Centers for Disease Control – Covid-19 Resources
Crisis hotline numbers
EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS with text/chat options
Eileen’s recent articles at the Christian CenturyΒ blog:
10 guidelines for pastoral care during the coronavirus outbreak by Eileen Campbell-Reed | March 10, 2020
Four guidelines for improvising pastoral leadership through a pandemic by Eileen Campbell-ReedΒ | March 20, 2020
- Here is a French language translation at the United Church of Canada:
NPR Story
‘We Can’t Anoint The Sick’: Faith Leaders Seek New Approaches To Pastoral Care By Tom Gjelton | March 23, 2020
Multi-faith Resources
Congregational resources for the COVID-19 response from
Interfaith Health Program at Emory University, includingΒ resources for Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, and Muslim communities (mostly for Christian and Jewish communities).
Conversation with Ian Case, Interim Director at the Brooklyn Zen Center, in which he shares about navigating pandemic grief in a religious community.
World Council of Churches
Resources to support the global church in a time of pandemic.
World VisionΒ
COVID-19 Guidance for Faith Communities
Addressing Isolation and Quarantine from Episcopal Relief & Development
“Episcopal Relief & Development gathered experts to discuss social distancing and quarantine, the life-saving measures that reduce the impacts of COVID-19. Listen, as the Rev. Dr. Pamela Cooper-White and Bishop Chilton Knudsen discuss family/partner violence, substance use and mental health as they relate to the current pandemic.”
Pastoral Care for Grief in the Pandemic
This spring we have curated many Weekly Episodes of Three Minute Ministry Mentor addressing grief in communities, with healthcare professionals, with youth, in teaching and tending to people in your care.
The Weak Center, Lauren Plummer
Worship Resources
Singing Together While Apart, a resource to help you expand your thinking about singing. (ELCA)
Discussions and guidance for worshipping online and remotely during the pandemic. (UMC)
For help with domestic violence situations
Here is a new book by Christy Gunter Sim, Survivor Care: What Religious Professionals Need to Know About Healing Trauma.Β It includes a full chapter about how the brain and body work in trauma. It is written for both survivors and the ministers and other professionals who care for them.
To find an online AA meeting
Search for a local Alcoholics Anonymous (or related OA, NA, etc.) meeting.
Caring for our Neighbors with Chronic IllnessesΒ
Coronavirus: 10 Things Chronic Illness Patients *Need* Others to Know
Ministry Books and Ideas with Children & Youth
New book! Holy Troublemakers & Unconventional Saints by Daneen Akers Watch the author read a chapter about Florence Nightingale and share about how COVID-19 got its name. Also, Florence Nightingale is a founder of good public health practices and frequent hand washing. We owe her much gratitude for her contributions.
We all could use a little more #Hope right now, right? Here is a new book for younger children. Little Mole Finds Hope is written by Glenys Nellist and illustrated by Sally Garland.Β Right now you can get a free activity pack at the link.
Right now we are all discovering how to be good neighbors when we can’t do the usual kinds of connecting. As you teach your children at home, try out this new book by Jennifer Grant, Maybe I Can Love My Neighbor Too.Β “With help from her mama, a girl discovers that all it takes is a little kindness and creativity to show love to neighbors near and far.” At this link you’ll also find free activities and a bingo board.
Are you ready for Easter in this strange year when we will ALL celebrate at HOME?! Here is a new book to help you the the children in your life and congregation.Β This is the Mystery of EasterΒ by Amelia Richardson Dress is downloadable for free at the Author’s website.Β This delightful book is especially written with multi-faith families in mind.
And as 2020 just kept coming with more and more challenges, so author Glenys Nellist and illustrator, Sally Garland wrote another book! This one is about Little Mole’s Christmas Gift. Surely you will want to add this to your young one’s stocking or gift basket?
Surviving Ministry with Youth During a Pandemic by Laura Edgar
Spiritual Practices in the Season of PandemicΒ
Reframing the Coronavirus Outbreak: The Spiritual Practice of Social Distancing and Quarantine
For Chaplains and Ministers:
Caring for People Who are Sick and Dying
3MMM | Episode 69: Caring for Grief Conversation with Beverly Wallace about health disparities and grief in a pandemic
3MMM | Episode 70: Pastoral QuestionsΒ Conversation with Mary Moschella about her recent go-to resources when teaching pastoral care.
Chaplaincy Innovation Lab: Webinars and Resources for Pastoral Care
New Yorker article 4/14/2020: “The Plight of the Hospital Chaplain in the Coronavirus Pandemic”Β
New York Times article 4/11/2020: Hospital Chaplains Try to Keep the Faith During the Coronavirus Pandemic
Union Theological Seminary 10/27/2020: Here is another conversation with Chaplaincy on the Frontlines of Care and Justice.
This event featured three healthcare, higher education, and movement chaplains. Each one graduated in the last decade from Union Theological Seminary.
Please, keep checking back. And we will continue adding new resources.